Palwit Island, Guimaras

2 min read

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Palwit Island  has 3 white sand beaches with fantastic coral reefs and marine life. It has cottages and fine chalet. The restaurant offers native foods, heirloom meals and drinks, plus you can stay singing along the whole day and night. If singing is nuisance you can stroll up the island and take the fresh air where you will see the scenic view of some beautiful islands surrounding Palwit or you may walk along the coastline of 3 white sand beaches where you will see the calm and crystal clear water. There are boats readily available for 1 hour of island hoping costing to Php 500.00 that will take you to the closest resorts and islands.


Sto Nino Island Resortis a 10 minute boat trip from the motorcycle drop off point. The resort has almost no cell phone reception, so all booking and communication is by text. Best to book at least 2 days in advance. The resort is on a small island with no fresh water. There are 3 beaches (sand/rocks, best to have water shoes), a small restaurant, and boats available for rent to paddle around the islands.



Public transportation is not easy; hence group travel is suggested to lessen the transportation cost.  There are public jeepneys for hire bound to Nueva Valencia and travel time is about 2 hours. The jeep will bring you the little wharf in Sitio Camoan in San Roque, Nueva Valencia where boats are waiting to lead you to Palwit Island, also known as Santo Niño Beach Resort to some locals. Boat travel is about 10 minutes.

*Macky and Botsy April 2014



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